Whatever. I have things to do. Dishes to wash, books to teach them!
Anyway, I am going to be making me, the gremlin and the other taller gremlin a delicious breakfast.
The taller gremlin and I are going to be participating in the day of silence as per usual, God save the lesbians! (and the gays, transgenders and bisexuals too, of course!)
But that is much much later, right now my mind is all in a whirl from yesterday.
Me and Kris went out to a little walk, they are so silly. They went near a Dick's and went...
"That's what I'll eat today!"and I wanted to say...
No my child, you are not going to be eating Dick's!but then I realised what I was about to say...oh dear, I was tricked!
They are not even 5 yet, how they know what...? No, no, I am making assumptions again, they are too pure. They also put on a little makeshift pirate hat and sang
"What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? EARLY IN THE MOOOOOOORNING!"
If they play that damned "Pirates!" game again, I'm going to play it myself to see why they like it so much...
Alright back to...the project...
Thinking about the engine for it, I have been thinking about using RPG Maker...
But I have not used that since a specific project of mine that I already do not think I want to remember...
What about GameMaker Studio? That is an engine that some bloke I met in the internet cafe told me to check out.
Not sure if I am ready for that...
he thing about the project is, I want it to be both fun and a good companion piece to the OTHER project.
And that other project, it is not really a role-playing game. Thing is, I was thinking about changing that. Maybe make the story take place long after the first one falls and they meet a certain someone and stuff.
But I do not really know if that is such a good idea, I will need a new main character, maybe someone similar to them, maybe not, maybe retcon the original setting of 201X (which I am beginning to realize was a very dumb setting to pick, but I did pick it about 8 years ago...), but I don't know yet...
I have got Kris on my mind and I have...a certain someone being really mean to them. Can not ignore that.
They asked me to play one of their favorite songs.
"Mommy, play me the schong the weird men with the shcarves sing!".
Adorable little bastard, literally, ok maybe I should not call them a bastard...that is not very nice of me. But they are so cute.
Sang them the song, they sang back with their adorable little lisp but not the song I sang them, no, no, they sang this strangely familar melody, no lyrics though.
My child, you should try singing the lyrics to me!
Oh! I'm so schorry mommy, I've been acting very schilly!
God, I could just pinch their cheek...
Then they sang the lyrics, it was in...Hebrew. Hebrew? I guess it passes through the Wellington generations now to learn the language of the Jewish people!
It was this song about gaining wings and not being afraid anymore. Sounds strangely familar...
I could have sworn, I heard a song about someone brave gaining wings...and then I saw someone very familar to them in a dream about it...
"You know, I was hearing about this upcoming Belgian gam-"I WILL STOP YOU THERE, SUSIE. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON ABOUT?
Belgian game? She must be out of her mind. I do not even think she knows what she is talking about.
Then again, the last time I was like this, she gave me a very good influence and the namesake of one of my projects, maybe she is onto something...
They will let any moron be a pastor as long as they are hypocrites...
Meh. The bickering of fools does not concern me. I am here to express my support to a group of people I belong to!
I met a familar face though, he had a cross necklace and he had a kid next to him, it was Daniel! I have met this tall Ten Club member so many times now, I think it is time for me to finally be his friend.
The kid next to him was not Peter though, but rather his second son. He looks like...an Asriel.
Krissy was oddly very shy to the Asriel-looking boy, but I guess that is fair considering he was shy too. I did not get to know his name but I hope it is in fact Asriel. Would be so cute.
Oh he's quite shy today
Susie went off to do her Susie things while I went off with Kris on a little trip to a place they will miss soon, KeyArena.
It is not going to be destroyed but the SuperSonics will be gone soon. Oh well, all things must pass, even if they pass horribly.
"I wanna go to Pike Place mommy!"Ok, ok! But only if you act nice. They did act quite nice...
But then they ate moss...
I tried to stop them but they swallowed it! ... They will be fine...I am sure of it.
I am so tired...
"Mommy, you look like you need to schleep!".Unusual for this diary's silly author to go to schleep so early...
"Mommy, it is fine, I'm a big child now!", said the four year old Kris. Oh they will be the death of me some day...
I did not even know me and Kris had spent so much time earlier today that it was already 6 when we got back home!
But now I will be playing some video games!
"Mommy, we haven't schtudied the book yet!"Oh, OH! OH YEAH! The Bible.
Since I am not a priest or a nun, I picked a random chapter for us to study as per usual. I picked one from the Old Testament this time since last time I picked one from the New Testament.
"El El Ezekiel!"
Ezekiel 12!
I like Ezekiel!-Kris
Kris got to choose the game I will be playing today because aside from the moss incident, they were a good silly androgynous child, as per usual.
"Hmmmm, I think you should play...The Legend of Zelda! The one for the Schuper Nintendo Entertainment Schyschtem"Link to the past it is then! The last time I played this was last month.
Woah! It is almost midnight and in typical Bonnie fashion, I am playing A Link to the Past with my silly, or rather, schilly child.
That does mean this entry is over...